We Need Everyone
As you probably know by now, Minneapolis Sidewalk Repair Hunters is a community-led effort to make Minneapolis' sidewalks more suitable for wheelchairs and pedestrians alike by fixing inaccessible sidewalks like the one you see here. Have a look the opportunities on how to get involved below, and get in touch for more information about how you can do your part.
Join our Facebook group!
When out in the community, keep an eye out for insufficient sidewalks and curb cuts.
Jot down the address and a brief description of the problem area. Take a picture also to provide a visualization.
Create a post within the group or contact us with all the details of the sidewalk or curb cut that is in question.
We also would like to encourage the public to send us their thoughts and suggestions about how we can enhance MSRH.

Our work at improving our pathways in Minneapolis is never finished, and we can use all the help we can get. One of the ways you can take part is by volunteering.
We are thrilled to announce that we are seeking to implement "Sidewalk Ambassadors," a five-person board that would further our initiative.
If you are interested in joining, please view all the specifications and how to apply!
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us.